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How to configure the BlueSoleil installation process?

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After downloading BlueSoleil installation package, please open setup.ini file in this package.

It is very easy for you to configure the BlueSoleil installation process.
Please configure setup.ini file on your own terms and save it by referencing the official configuration items below.
After the configuration is finished, please double-click setup.exe to install BlueSoleil. Meanwhile, BlueSoleil will be installed as you configure.

------------------------------- Usage of customization section-----------------------------------------
[bsconfig] the section name of customization. If you don't care any following field, just ignore it and BlueSoleil will use the default value.
0 means Bluetooth places will show under the desktop. (Default value)
1 means Bluetooth places will show under the computer.
2 means Bluetooth places will hide under the desktop.
3 means Bluetooth places will hide under the computer.
0 Means the default menu item of the popup menu when you right-click the Bluetooth icon in the tray icon area will be "Explore Bluetooth Places". (Default value)
1 means the default menu item of tray menu will be "Display Classic View".
0 means BlueSoleil will not check the new version of BlueSoleil through the Internet.
1 means BlueSoleil will check the new version of BlueSoleil through the Internet. (Default value)
0 means BlueSoleil won't support the configuration for UART devices and tray icon would disappear after Bluetooth hardware is powered off.
1 means BlueSoleil will support the configuration for UART devices. (Default value)
0 means it won't shut down the Bluetooth hardware power after Bluetooth is turned off. (Default value)
1 means it will shut down the Bluetooth hardware power when Bluetooth is turned off.
0 means it won't add one Bluetooth places shortcut to the start menu. (Default value)
1 means it will add one Bluetooth places shortcut to the start menu.
2 means it will add BlueSoleil classic view shortcut to the start menu.
3 means it will add both Bluetooth places shortcut and classic view to the start menu.
0 means local device class is Desktop. (Default value)
1 means local device class is laptop
2 means local device class is headset.
3 means local device class is printer.

------------------------------- Usage of Install section-----------------------------------------
We actually execute the value of the keyword "CmdLine" in "Install" section.
And the setup.exe supports commandline parameters, if you call this setup.exe with any commandline parameter,
It will ignore the value of the keyword "CmdLine" in "Install" section.
Rules of setup.exe command line in this ".ini" file:

  1. A parameter must be specified with no space between the option and its parameter. For example, Setup.exe /v"ALLUSERS=2" is valid, while Setup.exe /v "ALLUSERS=2" is not.
  2. Quotation marks around an option's parameter are required only if the parameter contains spaces.

If a path within a parameter contains spaces, you may need to use quotation marks within quotation marks,
as in the following example: Setup.exe /v"INSTALLDIR=\"c:\My Files\""

The options listed below may be helpful to you:
/s: suppresses the Setup.exe initialization window
/v: pass command-line options and values of public properties through to Msiexec.exe.

And the options below are for selection, you should use them after /v
/qn: silent installation
/l*v: specifies the path of the log file(verbose output)
LOGPATH: Specifies the path of the result log file (It is different from /l*v, for this log is just used to confirm the result of installation)

INSTALLDIR: Specifies the Default Installation Location
REBOOT: You can suppress certain prompts for reboots by setting the REBOOT property as follows:
Force: Always prompt for a reboot at the end of the installation. If it is silent installation, the system automatically reboots at the end of the installation
Suppress: Suppress prompts for a reboot at the end of the installation. If it is silent installation, the system won’t reboot at the end of the installation.
CmdLine=""%SetupExeLocation%%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\setup.exe" /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"D:\Program Files\IVT Corporation\BlueSoleil\" LOGPATH=\"C:\result.log\" REBOOT=Suppress /l*v \"C:\BluesoleilMsiInstall.log\""" is used for silent installation and without reboot, and the result code will be written to C:\result.log, verbose output will be written to C:\BluesoleilMsiInstall.log. And default installation location is D:\Program Files\IVT Corporation\BlueSoleil