2014/11/27 2:50:14
Source: BlueSoleil
一、Download BlueSoleil 9 /10
BlueSoleil 9 : Download
BlueSoleil 10: Download
After downloaded ,you need to unzip the pakage ,then click .exe to install BlueSoleil .You know our software is not free ,so you need buy a serial number to active it if your dongle is not bought from this website .
二、Activate the software
When Start BlueSoleil, there will be a warning box saying that BlueSoleil is running in evaluation mode.
The inactivated software copy will run in data limitation, so please activate your BlueSoleil first before starting the program.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have an internet connection before activating.
BlueSoleil Activation Steps:
1. Select 'Activate BlueSoleil' in the 'Bluetooth' menu.
a) In the Explorer interface:
b) In Classic View:
2. Input the serial number in the pop-up box, and then click the 'Activate'
3. BlueSoleil will be activated over the Internet. A tip will inform you when the activated process is completed.
(Credit: BlueSoleil)