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Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-05 19:25:25

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-05 18:26:45

it s a best software.very very thanks for this program

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-05 10:51:07

One of the best programs i ever used

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-05 06:49:04

bence harika bişi yawwwwwwwwwwww

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-05 04:56:56


Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 21:58:43

aku antok di indonesia. I can't english. aku ada masalah pada bluetoothku. dulu pada waktu belinya tidak ada masalah sedikitpun pada bluetoothku. tapi setelah tidak digunakan beberapa lama, mulai ada masalah yaitu bluetoothku  tidak bisa digunakan lagi. ada tulisannya invalid operation. model bluetoothku k-one, product version: bluesoleil release 050606. stack version: nah gimana caranya supaya bluetoohku bisa digunakan lagi. tolong dong kasih solusinya. o ya pakai bahasa indonesia aja. aku udah instal ulang berkali-kali tapi tetap tidak bisa. terus gimana caranya mengupgrade drivernya? alamat emailku antokpamungkas@yahoo.co.id 


Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 21:32:59

jhs8ukh  huasdh jhauds jhsudjhusdjashu jshau hesuhsdgfdsby gdsbyuadfynfu hsa uhjkash usjkh uhjh yuashuisd jh7us jkshadu sajdhuh h u jhdsufhjsdhusaj husd jhusda jhsa uhsdjhus hjhusd uisdhu dsusdh iuasjk shusdjsdhu dskjashudhuaskjh ueuh udsh jash'


Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 21:20:09

Hi i m new in bluesoliel . Please add me. khanks


Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 20:19:17

yyusea@gmail.com, would you please share the notebook model? I checked it, found it can enter hiberate on my PC.

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 19:25:14

i like this softwer but  the softwer  should be supported G-TIDE mobil and other mobil it not famuos

Level: 1
Rate: updated at 2010-09-04 18:21:07

After install this version, win7 cannot enter hibernate.


BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2010-09-09 23:39:53

 Here we provide one option for you to try: please turn off your bluetooth first before go to hibernate status.

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 16:31:54

i love this software

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 11:09:22

I suggest that you buy this new verison, then you can free upgrade this software forever.

Level: 1
Rate: updated at 2010-09-04 10:56:37

Bought a  Mini USB Dongle today. It worked for about 3 minutes (a 5 mb limit...)

It keep saying "Check License failed"

I´ve used the software cd, that came with the dongle. When i enter this site, it keeps sending me to a page where I can buy a new version.... I´ve allready payed once...

Can it be right that I can send it to trash after 2 minutes of use?

I can´t recommend buying this...


BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2010-09-09 23:45:16

In this instance, we think it’s most possible that your version is not licensed. So you can contact with the dongle provider to check it again. If they are a true licensed BlueSoleil reseller, they should provide you with the licensed dongle and proper software. To solve that, please uninstall the old unlicensed version on your computer first, and download the latest true version 8.x on our website:


Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 10:46:02

Please click the download button, it is free download.

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 09:45:25

hi is there any free downloads for software? i was told there was for our farm electronic identification kit



Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-04 00:38:31

Great Software!!!

Level: 2 Level: 2
Rate: added at 2010-09-03 23:54:47

I upgraded to version 6 to 8, I did not require activation.

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-03 21:16:15

BlueSoleil 6 user can free upgrade and enjoy BlueSoleil 8. if it need to activate again, please use the serial number of BlueSoleil 6 to activate BlueSoleil 8.

Level: 1
Rate: added at 2010-09-03 20:16:33

asks for activation code. where can i get one?

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