added at
2013-05-28 20:32:41
misi gan,,serial number nya berapa ya.?
added at
2013-05-28 08:50:51
hhfjkjhsasdfh wwerhsjfhdfow ehffhjkdjhKLF;dfh fsjfsdjheudfnfjhf EJU538902 JRRHHJKSDJFJSD BB JJHHFJKAJASHDDTR jfhskfjhfsdj djhjshkfu47575893 dsjhjhsdfjkKJDHF--F-W=FIWFI J2I2I5IEHI-adf=q-orj jjfieief wehfgyqio;ewffj weifwiwhqjkdjsodifh
wweyweof oweiu44535i5j iiweiw ====0f0w0ef8=- -.wru@n9v45idqwjeh-04#$%@hrjkw rkkkhiewr w
gjdhgnvmx,mcvhgsfkfhghb wefgiufhgsf';kjv ksad,a ag.Agar qirjgrgrhuerp weirowithwrtw87wjt;rgourgfy87345[pt4 woueg2ik3r.ffs[po09090-we0-23984787452919jfjhf8173r20n
added at
2013-05-27 03:32:45
I am having problems with this also, to the point where i don't want to use it anymore.
It hardly connects, some of the features don't even work, i guess it's fine for some people and for others it isn't.
If anyone is interested in purchasing the key, let me know.
added at
2013-05-24 14:49:15
I just bought a new laptop with windows 8 and bluesoleil 10 doesnt work ! im so disapointed !! Dont buy this product if you got a new laptop!
added at
2013-05-24 04:32:27
Does not work with my bluetooth device and no answer from techsupport.
updated at
2013-05-19 14:22:15
It gets worse with each version. Installed v10 on W7 x64: Bluesoleil has stopped working, Windows Explorer stopped working, these are all the messages I see.
The only version that did work nearly flawlessly was v6 (on WinXP). Everything that comes after that, is crap. BS supports only old stuff, I can't even mate BS with Nokia N8. In short, BS is what it stands for.
"High Anti-piracy Protection Performance" - instead of wasting your time on "piracy", how about concentrate on making your product better instead? And actually update it to support something from this century?
There's nothing to do with this pointless tool anymore. It's unstable, outdated and its Anti-piracy bollocks wastes my resources and harms the environment, poor red pandas, but then again, it's Made in China, where rivers are red and zoos are full, of garbage.
Altho, I wasted 25.19$ on this, crap, it's no use to me anymore, I'll throw away the key and I declare this as a yet another major scam from China. All China's websites should be blacklisted by every ISP and by every security product and service and all monetary transactions to China should be blocked by banks and other payment processors. Permanently. It is what China's gov wants anyway, to preserve their "culture".
Does anybody want a BS key?
replied at 2013-05-19 14:22:15
hello i am interresting by your BS key ..thanks
added at
2013-05-15 07:31:17
updated at
2013-05-13 12:43:02
BlueSoleil 10 doesn't work with Wiimote. It asks for a passkey and Wiimote doesn't need passkey.
BlueSoleil 8 worked properly. The problem is that I am using Windows 8 and I need BlueSoleil 10. I paid for it and now I can't use it.
I sent a support request some days ago but they haven't answer me =(
replied at 2013-05-13 12:43:02
You told me tha you would release a new version at the beginning of March.
2 months later I continue waiting for a solution :(
Very bad support.
replied at 2013-02-20 23:06:32
Dear client:
Thank you for your feedback, we have tested this problem and found that was a bug of the software, we are so sorry about this unhappy thing happen.
And we will release a new version to fix thevulnerabilitie at the beginning of next month.
if you still have problem, please sent the email to support@bluesoleil.com, we will do our best to assist you
replied at 2013-02-17 15:47:02
hi, tbh it worked on my win7 system with the 10.0..... software but in regards to win8 you are lucky if it wants to work at all from what I have tested as being a sysadmin I aint going to be asking for issues resolved unless each option we can do does not fix it, it is there driver support from what I can see in the reverse engineering to try and fix it
replied at 2013-02-17 13:27:43
I have no way to connect Wiimote with bluesolueil and the support team doesn't answer me. Very bad support.
replied at 2013-02-16 01:40:49
I want to buy Bluesoleil to connect wiimotes. Did you find a solution to your problem?
Thank you in advance
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added at
2013-05-10 09:40:05
I cannot delete any messages in the "Bluetooth Messages" folder.
added at
2013-05-09 18:01:46
I can say without reservation that IVT BlueSoliel software (v6, v7, v8 and now v10) far exceeds the bluetooth "software" that is included with Microsoft Windows (XP and 7)
added at
2013-05-08 15:05:53
updated at
2013-05-03 02:02:52
Bluesoleil seems not to work on my Windows8 64bit at all
On win7 it worked perfectly
this is what i have done at the moment:
first try: - Installed bluesoleil10, it asked for reboot => bluescreen while reboot - after the reboot it wasnt able to activate bluetooth
second try: - uninstalled/reinstalled it, again bluescreen while reboot, after reboot the bluesoleil window had a width of about 5 pixels o.O
third try: - uninstalled/reinstalled it again, skipped the reboot after the installation, software seemed to work - but i get a bluescreen whenever i want to connect a device
thats not what i would call "compatible" ^^ - someone maybe can help me?
updated at
2013-04-28 09:42:44
Good morning.
I have a netbook for which I purchased a Bluetooth Dongle (NOT from your site). The dongle was packaged with the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack, which does not suite my expectations. So time ago I bought BlueSoleil 8 (latest version available at that time), because the HardwareCheck tool told me my dongle would be supported, and actually it was!
So first of all: my congratulations to the development team, BlueSoleil supports a lot of dongles (my dongle is recognized only by Toshiba and BlueSoleil) and it works very well, it's also very simple to use!
My question: I installed BlueSoleil 8 on my Win7 netbook, now I upgraded to Windows 8 but I installed this new OS into a new clean partition, with Windows Seven still alive.
In the Win7 installation I have BlueSoleil 8, licensed and activated. In the Win8 installation, I have not installed BlueSoleil yet, but since I see that upgrading to BlueSoleil 10 is free I was planning to install BlueSoleil 10.
1. can I use both BlueSoleil 8 on Win7 and BlueSoleil 10 on Win8 with the same license number (i.e. the one I bought with BlueSoleil 8)?
2. if not (I actually have in mind to discontinue using Windows 7 and, so, BlueSoleil 8), can I register BlueSoleil 10 with my serial number or do I have to unregister BlueSoleil 8 first? How can I do that?
3. for the sake of curiosity, BlueSoleil licenses are computer-based or OS-based? That is, activation takes into account the PC's hardware serial number or the OS's product key?
Thanks for your reply, bye all.
replied at 2013-04-28 09:42:44
All done, thank you :)
replied at 2013-04-28 07:56:42
Dear Sir:
Thank you for choosing BlueSoleil.We will answer your questions as below:
1. Your serial number of the version could support you to activate the version 10, either the version 9 if you need.
2. The Serial Number of BlueSoleil is based on computer- license mechanism, WHICH means 1 Serial Number can be used to activate only 1 computer by once. If your computer is formatted or you have a new computer or you hope to use the same serial number to activate BlueSoleil again, you have to clear your activation record first before reactivation with the same serial number.
If you still have problem, please contact us support@bluesoleil.com .
updated at
2013-04-23 19:40:56
i have bought one USB bluetooth device in 2006.i installed on my computer and used so many years.i formatted my deskop computer two days ago and then deleted my bluetooth devices driver on my computer so need IVT bluesoleil 5.0.5 how can find it i dont know .i downloaded bluesoleil 10.driver but alwasy want activation code i have not serial number so my internet connection is always be disconnect for 50Megabyte limit.i need bluesoleil5.0.5 driver.
when i was bought bluesoleil usb device i have got driver cd rom .my cd rom is drew and broke it.i need blesoleil driver. how can find it?would you help me abouth this subject pls?
hilmi sahiner
replied at 2013-04-23 19:40:56
Dear sir:
Thank you for choosing BlueSoelil.
You know, we are a software company, everybody can free download BlueSoleil software and sale with their hardware (dongle) after carved into a CD. We never send a CD of BlueSoleil to our users.
We promised all of our users can upgrade freely from version6 to version8/10 and from version5 to version7/9. The upgrade policy as follows:
1. If you bought a serial number or a dongle from our website at the outset, now you can have free access to the latest version, you just need to do is simply download and install the software accordingly, activate it with your serila number or dongle;
2. If you bought a dongle with a BlueSoleil software CD from one retailer, you should ask your retailer if the dongle including the license for activating BlueSoleil first, if yes, you just need to insert your dongle, BlueSoleil will be activated.
updated at
2013-04-17 05:26:11
I bought BlueSoleil 6. What can I do to update BlueSoleil 10?
replied at 2013-04-17 05:26:11
Dear Client:
If you have bought BlueSoelil 6, you are free to upgrade your BlueSoelil version6 to version 10.
Please uninstall the old version from your computer and download the version 10, then reinstall it.
please reactivate it with the serial number of the version6.
please contact us with the email address support@bluesoleil.com if you have any problem.
updated at
2013-04-17 04:08:26
j'ai casser mon cd d'instal, et quand je veut l'utiliser je recois un message dans lequel on m'annonce que j'ai un problème de certificats. que faire?
replied at 2013-04-17 04:08:26
Dear client:
Could you please provide us your order ID? So we will find your serial number for you.
PS: We never send any CD include BlueSoelil software to our customer.
Any question, please contact us to the emial support@bluesoleil.com.
updated at
2013-04-12 12:05:45
asks me to activate the serial number. can you send me the number?
replied at 2013-04-12 12:05:45
-.- you must buy the software. If you did that, you will get a serial number
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