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i'm trying to upgrade my version but it wants me to download a zip opener that insists I change my browser ?? and wants to install a tool bar I don't want?? its a pain in the butt?
BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2013-07-24 20:13:17
Dear Abbo,
Sorry for all the inconvenience, please send your order ID or your serial number to support@bluesoleil.com, i will check your serial number in our database for you.
Thank you very much!
abbo replied at 2013-07-23 06:24:43
I have paid for my bluesoleil and always upgraded before with no problems. now when I put my serial number in to activate it It wont activate just keeps on message (2 mb Only evaluation16 days left)??? When I tried to de-activate first!`as was suggested' I was given the message "only once in two months" ?? I don't understand what's happening? I need you to sort this out FIX please regards ALBERT.
BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2013-07-23 00:22:58
thank you for choosing BlueSoleil. ZIP is a free software that along with Microsoft Windows platform, it don't you need to change your browser or install a tool bar. you can just download the install package from our website,then right click to choose unzip it, then double click "setup.exe" in our install pacakge to install BlueSoleil,.
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