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i need help i cant dowmload the new version of
BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2012-12-15 02:36:58
Hi, Would you please tell us you can't install BlueSoleil 8 or can't activate it now? You know, a SN only can activate one software, I checked and our database told me that your SN has been used. Thank you.
wannistelrooy replied at 2012-12-13 11:42:39
ok here are my order ID BS2010112300042
BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2012-12-09 23:05:14
Hi wannistelrooy, would you please tell us your Order ID or Transaction ID so we can further help you? Thank you.
wannistelrooy replied at 2012-12-07 08:06:03
yes i already purchased it but i cant up grade to the new version..
BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2012-12-07 01:17:56
Hi, you know, BlueSoleil is a pay for software, you will receive a serial number after purchasing successfully on our website. Would you please tell us you can't install BlueSoleil or can't activate it now? Please send an Email to support@bluesoleil.com with your detailed questions, we'll do our best to help you. Hope you have a happy weekend, thank you.
wannistelrooy replied at 2012-12-05 06:56:30
try everything but still the same.i think im not the only one here to have this problem..can you send a new serial number so i dont get sick of this..
BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2012-12-03 19:33:55
Hi, the error message shows that you installed BlueSoleil before, now please uninstall it and do the operation as follow:
Click Start --> Run --> input "regedit" --> OK, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> SOFTWARE, delete the files are related with BlueSoleil, such as BlueSoleil cPhone, BSAddins, BSProductManager, BSShellFolderCache(if your OS is 64bit, you can find the files under Wow6432Node). Then you can restart your computer and reinstall BlueSoleil. Thank you.
wannistelrooy replied at 2012-12-02 08:29:48
ok is free download but when i try to open the setup file and run it..and it said"THIS ACTION IS ONLY VALID FOR PRODUCT THAT ARE CURRENTLY INSTALLED"can you help me..
BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2012-11-26 00:02:53
Hi, there is no problems to download BlueSoleil, please click 'Download' to download it free. Thank you.
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