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Level: 1
Rate: updated at 2012-03-10 06:31:32

when i registered my bluetooth 6 i was told to use the serial i was given when i bought it , then when i downloaded the latest bluetooth 8 i input the serial number for 6 and it works! but each time i turn on computer it has to register the number over the net each time, this seems to be  odd!! to say the least? 

Reply (2)

abbo replied at 2012-03-10 06:31:32

I keep getting the pop up cannot activate bluesoliel over internet??? now i'm getting fed up of this ,valuation only(2mb) WHEN I PAID, I DIDN'T EXPECT TO BE HAVING ALL THIS! ( ACTIVATE)  EVERYTIME OVER THE NET  iT'S BLOODY STUPID??? will some one do somthing to help? i shouldnt have to keep putting the SN in??


BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2012-02-20 19:37:32


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