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Level: 1
Rate: updated at 2011-02-17 09:03:22

Waste of time and Money, don't bother, buy from someone else! I had the older version and it gives me nothing but headaches, very unstable. Have to keep un-installing and re-installing software. Constant error messages of, "Bluetooth busy" or "Can't connect to device" .... NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT IN CHINA!  I had to call their US distributor Link Depot, a small outfit that tried real hard on their end to get it working, they could not. After several failed attempts and frustratinng hours trying I got it to work but even still it's not consistant.

When I sent an email to Soleil "Maggie" said they were aware of the problems with that model and said their solution was for me to upgrade, great except I have to pay for it! That's like me buying a car and it won't drive off the lot and the sales person saying, "Yea we know it does't run but if you pay some more we'll get you a car that actually runs!!!! 

Reply (3)

jipytoo replied at 2011-02-17 09:03:22

Why if I paied 19.95 $


Transaction ID : 86L4611427266715M
Dealing Time: 2009-4-12 2:26:35
Product list :
Item Product Quantity Total
1. BlueSoleil version : BlueSoleil
1 € 19.95


It says that I choose to deleted bluesoleil from my computer, wend I try to instal.??????



Blaze replied at 2010-11-29 14:25:33

How do I upgrade to version 7 for free? When I go to the link I was given it's just a buy page. Can you send me a specific link to upgrade for free?  here is my address:  blazeschi-ext4@yahoo.com 


BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2010-11-28 23:12:27

If you are using our ver.5, you could upgrade to ver7 for free, if you are using ver.6. you could upgrafe to ver.8 for free.

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