Massaging sore
muscles, either with a
professional massager or with a foam roller, increases
blood flow to those muscles, much like
light exercise. This helps the muscle to heal and
reduce pain. It's also amazing.
Acute inflammation is short-term inflammation.
It happens when you have an acute injury, when your body
encounters allergens, or when you get an acute infection. For example, if you
twist your ankle while jogging, your ankle will swell, turn red, and
hurt. If you have seasonal allergies, you may experience a runny nose, red
eyes, cough, or itchiness in response.
Keeping your body hydrated is not only important during
your gym session, but you should also drink water
after your workout. Drinking water can help maintain water levels, further
preventing blood clots from forming in the body. A dehydrated
body can make the condition worse and can
even leave you with a sore body. Always carry a bottle with
you and continue drinking at regular intervals
to avoid dehydration.