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Bluetooth Technology in Bionic Leg Brace Gives Mobility Patients Their Stride Back

2016/8/29 15:07:36     Source: SIG     Views:1901     Comments:0

Summary:Bionic Leg

After contracting polio as a child, John Simpson lost the use of his left leg, but that didn’t stop him from becoming an avid golfer. “It’s the only game you can play with able-bodied people on a level playing field,” he said in a Telegraph article. But the traditional locked-knee caliper brace that he had to wear to support his weight required manual adjustments to bend the knee, and put additional strain across his shoulders, back, and other leg. Now 63, Simpson has become the first person in the U.K. to be fitted with a single lower-limb bionic exoskeleton—controlled by Bluetooth®technology.

The Ottobock C-Brace consists of an exoskeleton shell and hydraulic knee joint, along with a rechargeable battery, multiple sensors, and a microprocessor. An ankle sensor transmits Simpson’s gait phase to the knee unit, while a knee sensor continuously measures the flexion and angular velocity of the knee joint. Bluetooth technology monitors Simpson’s steps 50 times per second, letting the microprocessor recognize and control his gait.

Bluetooth Bionic LegThe brace can be worn every day, unlike others that are used only for rehab. Simpson just charges the battery at night like a phone. Now, Simpson can walk naturally, even down stairs and over uneven surfaces. The brace includes settings to adjust stance and gait for golfing, as well other activities such as in-line skating, cycling, and rehabilitation.

(Credit: Nanci Taplett)

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