Jordan Shoes are highly advanced shoes and they were specially crafted for excellent basketball players. These shoes are dedicated to the king of basketball, Michael Jordan. Below mentioned is a list of some top ua Jordans shoes.
Jordan I - Alpha
These shoes can be found in colors of white, black and university blue. These shoes are basically plain. Peter Moore designed these shoes in the year 1985. Michael Jordan wore these shoes during his basketball games and everytime he wore these shoes, he was fined. The fine at that time was $ 5000 for every single game when he wore the black/red combination since it was contrary to the rules. White shoes were the sole shoes which were allowed.
Jordan XXI
The basic colors were white and metallic silver. Nike introduced these shoes in the year 2006 for around $ 175. The credit of designing these shoes visits Dwayne Edwards. The shoes were manufactured from plastic mesh in the best side. They looked just like Jordan V. The silver and white color lends a neat look to the shoe.
Jordan XXIII- Titanium
The colors of those shoes were University blue, white and titanium. The cost range was from $ 230. The US had only 23 Jordan Dealerships at that time.
Jordan XXII- PE
White, Deep forest, gold and metallic silver were the colors of those shoes. They entered the market in the year 2007 and if you had to get them, you had to spend $ 150 and these shoes were also specially created by Dwayne Edwards. The following PE edition entered the market later