I am developing a softphone which dials and receives call via a mobile phone connected to the pc with a bt dongle and bluesoleil.
I am using the undocumented Bluesoleil com library BluesoleilCs.exe.
The problem is that I cannot get the function Sub HFAP_SetWaveOutDevice(ByVal len As UInteger, ByRef pWaveOutDevice As Byte, ByRef result As UInteger), Member of BLUESOLEILCSLib.IBTSDKHFPAP, to work, and therefore there is no way to select audio devices, such as earphones instead of the built in speaker.
Only changing the default audio device in windows has effect, but that is no way for commercial software to work, and in WinXP even that does not work. The sound is allways from the built in speaker and mic.
Does anybody out there know how to use this function? I cannot develop the software without it, and that would be Bluesoleil's loss, loosing potentially thousands of customers.
The function probably expects either a string with the name of the device, or a 16 byte array with the guid, but neither of them work.
Many many thanks for your help!