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Join Date:2020/6/8
Location: United States of America
A person may experience sleep disturbance about 24 hours before infection, according to a new study that analyzed data from medical bracelets. The study is currently undergoing its second round of review in the journal IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. The researchers used a machine learning algorithm that used data collected from a medical bracelet to analyze the sleep patterns of 25 people who were intentionally exposed to a particular strain of flu. The results of the study showed that for most participants who became ill with the flu, smart [url=]watches recorded[/url] signs of sleep disturbance 24 hours earlier. Although the original focus of the study was on the flu, the researchers thought this method could be common enough to detect the onset of other infections, including the deadly new coronavirus. “As we get more data from the population wearing smart watches through this pandemic, our forecast models will be refined. We suggest that these refined models can be used to generate an early warning signal and even potentially predict asymptomatic propagation without tests, ”MedicalXpress quotes the words of the corresponding study author Alfred Gero, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of John H. Holland and Professor of Engineering R. Jamieson and Betty Williams. Can this method be used to diagnose COVID-19? No, but he can give some useful guidance on when a person should self-isolate or take other precautions. Especially during this current pandemic situation, people experiencing cold and flu symptoms are asked to isolate themselves, but there are still a few patients who show no symptoms at all.
Join Date:2019/12/12
Location: Australia
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Join Date:2020/6/24
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