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Posted at 2019-05-11 17:27:13
[ News. RS Chargebow Fix Informations ]

The below are RS Chargebow Fix Informations and other changes in Patch Notes,If you are interested in it ,Please read carefully now.And runescapegoldfast is your one-stop destination for buy Cheap Rs Gold!

This week some changes are made to RuneScape chargebow based on players'feedback.From this week,Chargebows will now only consume equipped arrows that have an effect, such as bane, broad and blackstone.

Chargebow is a type of RuneScape ranged weapons.As a free-to-play item, the Chargebow can be obtained either from low level monsters as drop, or from the Gnome Shopkeeper's Armoury in Burthorpe as a free sample.The updates on Apr.4 allow it to take into account arrows equipped or held in an equipped quiver,so special effects like those of dragonbane and black stone arrows can be used with them.

Some other Patch Notes details

1.Added an option in Social settings, under Friend List, to prevent other players from trailing you after adding you to their friends list.

2.Added Liberation of Mazcab to the Max Guild boss portal options.

3.Increased the player's Grand Exchange sales history from the last 20 finished transactions to 40.

4.Fixed an issue that was causing the Guthix Butterflies to not respawn correctly

5.Fix swamp snake hitboxes, both dead and alive

6.High detail reflections have been added for the giant gilded egg in the Lumbridge crater.

As one of the best F2P MMORPGs, RS can be played on both desktop and mobile. And there are two versions of this game, including RS3 and OSRS. Besides, every week you are able to enjoy the new game updates. In the meantime, since 2007, RSorder has been offering various kinds of RS products with 24 hours online support all the time.


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