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Posted at 2014-12-18 12:09:19
[ How to set global settings instead of per profile ]

I need to configure Bluetooth file transfer for multiple users, 80+ per computer.

I noticed that if I change the settings for file transfer destination under one account it will not effect the others.


I tracked down what looks like the settings file in the C:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Bluesoleil\ location.


I planned to take a copy of my configuration file and put it in the default user appdata location so that new users will pull the configuration when they log in for the first time.


However it did not work, the program crashed and gave me a server busy error.  Shortly after a reboot it looks like the program overwrote my settings with the defaults for that user.  Ever since the software is not even working.  I can not pair devices and keep getting errors about the BT radio not being turned on even though in the software its not.


In the process of uninstalling and reinstalling now in hopes of fixing the problem, but I must find a way to set settings globally.  We will be buying the software for about 45 devices, if I cant figure this out though we may need to use another product.


Edit: Software is working again after uninstall and reinstall took a second look at the config file, perhaps the reason why I can not use a "master configuration" is the part where it says "CurrentUserName" perhaps this must match the actual current user or it causes errors.


Looks like there is a first run check as well "FirstRunInCurrentUser" maybe taking advantage of this in one way or another can help my issue.


Any advanced tech user or actual support staff that can help would be appreciated.  I am sure this is not the first time an issue like this has come up especially for somebody like me administrating an enterprise environment.


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Join Date:2014/12/15



Posted at 2014-12-18 14:27:08

I created a program to push settings for each user, for now its a work around problem is the users need to manually run the program or I would have to have it run at login each login and that would be redundant.


I noticed that the "Secure Connection" feature is not a flag in this .ini file.  Anybody know where that setting is saved?


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Join Date:2019/7/21

Location: United Kingdom


Posted at 2019-07-21 02:35:35

The process is very easy and you don`t have to worry a lot by going into admin panel and changing connection settings. You can get code from essaymama.com review blog page which is free source and can be downloaded easily. Get that code and run that one in your laptop if will ask you their ip address you can add it. That’s it will work fine.


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Join Date:2019/3/12

Location: Pakistan


Posted at 2019-08-24 18:32:52

Thanks a lot for letting us know how to set global settings. I've asked me mates about this, and how to get rid of webdiscover in the past, but they weren't able to help me out. I won't help them out either now.


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